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Here’s a great way to offer targeted promotions to new prospects without using disruptive Discount or promotion codes.
Here’s a great way to offer targeted promotions to new prospects without using disruptive Discount or promotion codes.

Why are promo or discounts codes ineffective and disruptive

Eric Plamondon avatar
Written by Eric Plamondon
Updated over 11 months ago

We are often asked - "Is there anyway to include a coupon/Promo code section where people can apply a code and have it adjust the pricing on the summary?"

To answer that, we do not have a traditional “Coupon Code” system. Here is why;

There are many COMMERCIAL reasons why we do not recommend using coupon codes for online buyers. We can explain why we believe it will actually reduce your conversion of shoppers into buyers.

If you want to use promotions or coupon style incentives to convert prospects into paying customers, with MioCommerce's technology you can do so in a much more efficient and less counterproductive way.

Traditional approaches to coupon codes will lead to;

  • Higher abandonment rates by Online shoppers, who do not have a coupon code. They will hesitate with their purchase and/or leave your booking page to search for a coupon code on the web.

  • Online shoppers who do not have coupon code to feel cheated.

  • Paying customers feeling they overpaid resulting in lower brand loyalty or even negative reviews. "Next time I’ll shop around”

With MioCommerce, you can send/offer promotions directly to and ONLY to prospects WITHOUT actually publishing it on your website.

Thereby avoiding cheapening your online brand and reducing the perceived value of your service to the general public. This will also avoid causing confusion or buyer friction.

Here’s how:

For prospect customers (mass email marketing or one-on-one emails or texts)

1. Create & Publish a duplicate of an existing booking page for the service(s) you want to offer a promotion.

2. Send an email or text with a link to this promo booking page to your prospects. Title the promo booking page as a promotion, example: NEW CUSTOMER Promotion Just for you!

3. On the promo booking page, add a new PROMO question with answers, example: Question “Are you a new customer- get X% off” Answers: Yes/No with the Yes having a x% discount attached to it. Set the default answer to NO. When the client selects YES it which will automatically show and reduce the discounted % (in $) on the booking summary on the page.


  • This method actually provides your prospect client real evidence of a price reduction (compared to your website).

  • No one other than the targeted prospect can see this promotion.

  • Your regular customer of organic visitor who is wiling to pay the full price will not be disappointed or feel conflicted about not having a promo code, both of which will cause higher abandonment rates.

If you still want to add a promo code on your online website booking pages you can simply add a question in the main pricing section on your booking page similar to the above .

Example: Question “Do you have a coupon code”

Answer: Option 1, Yes/No with respective discount for a Yes answer.

Option 2: create a list of answers with different promo codes and associate to each promo code a % or $ discount.

Whatever the client selects as the answer will be added in the booking summary discount section and be reduced from the total price.

Here is another article for existing clients that might interest you >> How to do email campaigns and send coupons and deals to existing clients?

Related Resources 

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