MioCommerce Local Digital Marketing - More Local Customers For Local Businesses Supercharge your Local Digital Marketing with Listings, Reviews & On-site Reviews |
In this article, we will explain how you can access your competitor's data inside your dashboard.
Reviews allow you to connect up to three of your main competitors in order to compare performance and discover trends.
Who are my competitors?
Your competitors do not have to be direct competition. As a matter of fact, they don't even need to be in the same city. As long as you feel like their business is similar to yours or you admire them or fear them stealing your shine; you are free to include whoever you want as your competitor. We suggest including at least one competitor that is similar to you on the following points.
Proximity: Is the competitor close by enough to actually influence the choice to visit their location and not yours?
Type of Business: Does the competitor offer the same type of service as you?
Ok, I know who my competitors are. Now what? Great! We can get started.
Open your Reviews account (Dashboard) and navigate to the "Settings" tab. You will see the competitors section on the left bottom side.
Look up your competitors via Google Places, just click on Add more.
Once you're finished click on "next" and your settings will be saved. Your competitors should be visible in your "Competitors" tab within an hour. If no data has loaded within 24 hours, please contact support.
Interested in getting more reviews and ranking higher in Google search? We can help!
Why Reviews are important for your local businesses?
95% of customers read reviews before making a purchase
81% of all customers say that reviews increase confidence in an offer
71% of purchase decisions are influenced by reviews
Our Reviews Solution lets you monitor, track, and respond to all reviews across supported platforms and request new ones - All from a single platform. Pick the channel you want the positive reviews to be published on and reviews from dissatisfied clients are emailed privately to you so you can take immediate action.