The Booking Summary is the running total of all of the charges your customer has chosen at checkout in your Booking Page. It changes and updates in real-time, depending on what services your customer selects or deletes during checkout, to make checking out a simple and guessing-free experience!
Here is an example of what your Booking Summary could look like:
Click on Booking Pages > Select a Booking Page
Click on Settings on the left-hand side panel
Click on Booking Summary
From here, you can turn on or off different Booking Summary setting by selecting YES or NO to a variety of options.
The Booking Summary is completely customizable, depending on your needs.
You have the option to:
Display Summary Section
Display Total
Display Taxes
Display Grand Total
Display Total Time
You can see how these changes are reflected as you adjust them, on the right hand side of your page.
Once you have configured your Booking Summary, click Save.
And you're done! Your customers will now have an easy reference of their running total during checkout in this Booking Page.
TIP: Be sure to repeat these steps in your other Booking Pages as needed.
Here is a quick video of these steps: