Important Notice >>
MioCommerce will be upgrading our Web Servers to take advantage of the next generation of hosting server technology. The GREAT NEWS is that your company's E-Commerce Website will benefit from this more performant and robust technology.
This upgrade MUST be completed by Dec 2 2022.
What we need from you?
To ensure <company name> benefits from this upgrade and that your website continues to appear, we will need to make sure your domain is properly pointed to the new upgraded servers.
As such, we are asking you to grant MioCommercce delegate access to your DNS account. By doing so, MioCommerce will then be able to update your DNS records to ensure your website is pointing to the newly upgraded servers. This will not affect anything else.
How to grant MioCommerce delegate access -> very simple steps.
Find your Domain Service Provider in the below section titled > “ MOST POPULAR DOMAIN SERVICE PROVIDERS” .
Then follow the included instructions on how to give MioCommerce delegate access.
Once MioCommerce receives delegate access, we will confirm by email that we received it.
👉👀 IMPORTANT: If completed by Dec 2,2022 there will be no additional cost to your company name. If you do not provide MioCommerce delegate access by Dec 2, 2022 your website may cease to appear and additional charges may apply.
On Dec 2, 2022 or sooner, MioCommerce will copy your website to our new state of the art hardware servers and confirm that your DNS is now pointed to the updated server.
If you have any other questions or need help with your DNS account please contact us immediately.
Ready to start? Just find your Service Provider from the below list. Then click on the respective link to add MioCommerce as a delegate.
Find your Domain Service Provider in the list below and follow the Instructions to grant MioCommerce Delegate access. (If you don’t see your provider, either reply to this email or join us on chat.)
Click >HERE to give MioCommerce delegate access and use this email > [email protected] to invite MioCommerce as a delegate access. For the Name field use MioCommerce
Google Domains
Click >HERE to give MioCommerce delegate access and use this email > [email protected] to invite MioCommerce as a delegate access.
Click >HERE to invite MioCommerce as delegate access and and use this email > [email protected] to invite MioCommerce as a delegate access. Please ensure to set the permission level to "Domains Manager"
Click > HERE to share delegate access with MioCommerce and and use this email > [email protected] to invite MioCommerce to share access.
Click > Here to invite MioCommerce as a contributor and use this email > [email protected] to invite MioCommerce as a contributor ( share access).
If you have any other questions or need help with your DNS account please contact us immediately.