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How to add Triggers and Tags in Google Tag Manager to track MioCommerce Events?
How to add Triggers and Tags in Google Tag Manager to track MioCommerce Events?

You can track Bookings, Tips, Feedback, contact us and Page views through GTM

Eric Plamondon avatar
Written by Eric Plamondon
Updated over a week ago

To track events and conversions in Google Analytics 4 (GA4), please add Triggers and Tags in Google Tag Manager (GTM) as shared in the following videos -

You are now all set to send events from your Google Tag Manager account.

Step 1: Configure Google Analytics 4 (GA4) in your Google Tag Manager (GTM)

Set up your Tag Manager > Tags > New

Click on Tag Configuration > Google Analytics > GA4 Event

Input your Measurement ID from Google Analytics, create a title for your tag, and then click Save.

Step 2: Create Trigger & Tag to send an event for Booking to GA4

For Trigger - MioCommerce Booking Trigger

Event name: booking

Select "All Custom Events"

For Tags - MioCommerce Booking Tag

Event Name: booking

Event Parameters :

Parameter Name - app_name | Parameter Value - {{MioCommerce App Name parameter}}

Parameter Name - title | Parameter Value - {{MioCommerce Title parameter}}

Please follow the below video to configure this Trigger and Tag

Step 3: Create next Trigger & Tag to send an event for Booking Feedback to GA4

For Trigger - MioCommerce Feedback Trigger

Event name: feedback

Select "All Custom Events"

For Tags - MioCommerce Feedback Tag

Event Name: feedback

Event Parameters : app_name | Value : {{MioCommerce App Name parameter}}

Please follow the below video to configure this Trigger and Tag

Step 4: Create next Trigger & Tag to send an event for PageViews to GA4

For Trigger - MioCommerce Page View Trigger

Trigger Type : Page View

Select "All Page Views"

For Tags

Event Name: page_view

Event Parameters :

Parameter Name - app_name | Parameter Value - {{MioCommerce App Name parameter}}

Parameter Name - title | Parameter Value - {{MioCommerce Title parameter}}

Parameter Name - page_path | Parameter Value - {{Page Path}}

Please follow the below video to configure this Trigger and Tag

Step 5: Create next Trigger & Tag to send an event for Tips to GA4

For Trigger - MioCommerce Tip Trigger

Event Name : tip

Select "All Custom Events"

For Tags - MioCommerce Tip Tag

Event Name: tip

Event Parameters: app_name | Value: {{MioCommerce App Name parameter}}

Please follow the below video to configure this Trigger and Tag

Step 6: Submit & Publish all Trigger & Tag that has been created

Finally Submit all the tags that you have created above -

Add the Version Name, then click Publish.

Step 7: Create next Trigger & Tag to send an event for Contact us to GA4 and submit again.

For Trigger - MioCommerce Contact Us Trigger

Event Name : contact_us

Select "All Custom Events"

For Tags - MioCommerce Contact Us Tag

Event Name: contact_us

Event Parameters: app_name | Value: {{MioCommerce App Name parameter}}

Please follow the below video to configure this Trigger and Tag

Step 8: Create a Trigger & Tag to track Purchase amount (E-commerce event)

For Trigger - Purchase Trigger

Event Name : purchase

Select "All Custom Events"

For Tags - MioCommerce Purchase Tag

Event Name: purchase

Event Parameters :

app_name: DLV App name

Under "More Settings" Turn On "Send Ecommerce data"

Please follow the below video to configure this Trigger and Tag

Your Google Tag Manager is now all set to fire events and send it to your GA4 account.

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