Interactive Quote(IQ) Pages and Live Pricing & Real Time Booking(LP-RTB) Pages both allow you to effectively convert your prospects into paying customers by making requirements gathering and effort estimation simple, easy, engaging and POWERFUL!
So, let's understand when should you use which:
Interactive Quote Pages:
You should use IQ pages when:
The service you are building the IQ page for cannot fit into a single day's operating hours and/or may requires multiple visits.
It is difficult to estimate the service basis individual items/components and rather requires lump-sum quoting.
Estimating the job requires reviewing additional information like photos, attachments etc.
Live Pricing & Real Time Booking Pages:
You should use LP-RTB pages when:
The service you are building the page is usually for a few hours.
You can pre code the effort and cost estimates for the service in an itemized fashion.
Effort required is mostly the sum of parts.
The service is a regular job where it is easy to account for hidden variables, if any and does not require additional photos, sketches etc. to be shared.