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What do the different status of an IQ mean?
What do the different status of an IQ mean?

Understand the different status(es) of an Interactive Quote as they appear on the IQ page

Eric Plamondon avatar
Written by Eric Plamondon
Updated over a year ago

You can now filter your Interactive Quotes based on their status as below:

So, let's understand what each status means:

All new Interactive Quote requests from your customers that have come in and which you haven't actioned yet.

The Interactive Quotes that you have started working on but have not sent them to the customer yet.

Interactive Quotes which you have worked on and sent to the customer for review and acceptance

Interactive Quotes which have been accepted by the customer. A booking is created (viewable in the bookings section) corresponding to each of the accepted quotes.

Interactive Quotes which have been declined by the customer. We provide the end customer a section to share the reason for declining the quote (optional). Either way it is a recommended practice to sync up with the customer and understand how you can make the quote feasible for them.

IQs which your customer did not action by the expiration date set by you. (How to modify the Expiration Date for Interactive Quotes?). By default the Expiration date is set to 7 days from the date it was sent to the customer.

IQs which are about to expire in the next 48 hours. It is a recommended practice to nudge/remind/follow-up with these customers before their quotes expire.

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