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How can I clone a canceled booking?
Eric Plamondon avatar
Written by Eric Plamondon
Updated over 10 months ago

There's a quick way to create a booking from a canceled booking - Simply clone it.

Just pick a new date & time - you are all set. Here's how to do it step by step -

1. Go to booking under "Booking section" and select a specific booking that you would like to cancel.

2. Once the booking has been cancelled, the booking status header will show "Cancelled". Go to the right navigation menu and click on "Advanced..."

3. Once you click on "Advanced..." more options like clone Booking and re-send confirmation will be visible. Click on"Clone Booking"

4. A pop-up will display with the option to select a day & time for the new booking and if you would like to send a confirmation to the customer. Select your preference and click "Ok"

All set !!! Your new booking has been created without entering all the information again.

 Whatโ€™s next? ๐Ÿ‘‰

> Give your customers a shopping experience they will love, allow them to cancel or reschedule a booking

> Use Booking attachments like checklist, etc to keep your team up-to-date & empowered with information.

> Don't forget to ask for customer ratings once the job is completed. This will help you showcase the quality of your service.

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