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Booking Attachments Overview

Learn how to upload one or more files in booking, View, Edit, Share attachments

Eric Plamondon avatar
Written by Eric Plamondon
Updated over 11 months ago

Attachments in your booking can be helpful in many ways. It helps you attach a checklist, manual, etc. Your service provider can attach images such as of stains or broken material, before and after pictures, and status of the home, etc


All files uploaded can be accessed through public URL links you provide or are provided in customer and service provider communications.

Supported file types include: .JPG, .JPEG, .PNG, PDF, .TXT

Maximum file size: 10 MB

Step by step process on how you can attach one or more files,

- On the left menu bar, go to bookings >> Select the booking for which you would like to attach files.
- Once you select a booking, In the right navigation menu "Actions" select the tab "Attach file"

Step 1. A window will be prompted to attach a file and select preferences.

Step 2. Choose who can see the file -
- Share this file with the customer?
- Share this file with your assigned service providers?

Step 3. Choose whom you want to notify -
- Would you like us to notify your customer of this change?
- Would you like us to notify the assigned service providers of this change?

Step 4. Click "Upload" and done!

> You can view attachments related to a booking,

> Edit the attachment's name, access rights, delete and replace it


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